Serbian Orthodox Church:

Serbian Patriarch Irinej solemnly welcomed in Diocese of Milesevo

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch yesterday came in a three-day visit to the Diocese of Milesevo. Serbian Patriarch at the entrance of the Diocese of Milesevo in Kokin Brod was solemnly welcomed by many priests and the faithfull people of this area led by His Grace Bishop Filaret of Milesevo.

Then there was a visit to the church of St. Procopius in a Priboj's village of Kratovo. Residents of this mountain village and surroundings will talk from generation to generation about the memory of yesterday's visit of the head of the Serbian Church who was welcomed in accordance with a Christian hospitality by which this region is recognized.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej accompanied by the host Bishop Filaret of Milesevo and His Excellency Alexander Konuzin, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Serbia, visited also yesterday a former economic backbone of  the whole area of Raska - the Car factory in Priboj (FAP). The director of the FAP Mr. Mirko Stojovic informed the high guests with a current situation in the company.
- Church certainly very concerned about the fate of the factory, especially such as the FAP, as well as many smaller ones that were employing people from the area. Serbia only with a strong economy and a social stability can cope with the current global crisis, Serbian Patriarch Irinej said during the talk with management of the FAP.  
After the visit to a pristine monastery of St. Nicholas and a church of St. Elijah in Pribojska Banja, Serbian Patriarch was majestically welcomed in a church yard of the gorgious Priboj's church of the Ressurection of Christ where several thousands inhabitants of this area had assembled. 
The Patriarch was given on this occasion keys of a FAP's truck bought by  contributions of the faithful people of Priboj and its area, and which the Church municipality of Priboj donated to the Serbian Patriarchate. Although this part of our country is located at the back of of statistical tables about economic development, personal income and employment, with their dignified act  the Orthodox kindred of  Polimlje once again demonstrated its unselfish love for the Mother Church.
In late afternoon hours His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, accompanied by Their Graces Bishops - Vasilije of Zvornik-Tuzla, Pahomije of Vranje and Irinej of Backa, arrived in the monastery of Milesevo.

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