Symeon the New Theologian on Repentance

Why is repentance so central to a Christian way of life? It is because the aim of Christian life is to be perfected in virtue through God’s grace so we can return to Paradise with eternal life in His kingdom. Repentance is the path to perfection. We need to remember that there will a Judgment that must be faced. Saint Symeon points out what Paul writes, “We must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body (2Cor 5:10).”

Saint Symeon says, 
Let us repent with all our heart and castaway not only our evil deeds, but also the wicked and unclean thoughts of our hearts and obliterate them in accordance with that which is written: ‘Rend your hearts and not your garments (Joel 2:13).’ Tell me: what use is it if we distribute all our goods to the poor, but fail to make a break with evil and to hate sin? What [use is it] if, while we do not actively commit bodily sin, we mentally engage in shameful and unclean thoughts and invisibly commit sin and are governed controlled by restrain passions of the soul?

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