The console where the heart is "reactivated" is being called the heart-in-a-box machine
Surgeons in Australia say they have performed the first heart transplant using a "dead heart".
Donor hearts from adults usually come from people who are confirmed as brain dead but with a heart still beating.
A team at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney revived and then transplanted hearts that had stopped beating for up to 20 minutes.
The first patient who received a heart said she felt a decade younger and was now a "different person".
Hearts are the only organ that is not used after the heart has stopped beating - known as donation after circulatory death.
Beating hearts are normally taken from brain-dead people, kept on ice for around four hours and then transplanted to patients.
Πηγή :
Σχόλιο του αδελφού μας ιατρού Κυπριανού Χριστοδουλίδη:
Σχόλιο του αδελφού μας ιατρού Κυπριανού Χριστοδουλίδη:
team at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney revived and then transplanted hearts
that had stopped beating for up to 20 minutes.
... for up to 20 minutes. Συμβαίνουν αυτά, κυρίως όταν έχουμε νεαρά άτομα, αν και είναι σπάνια. Η πληροφόρηση ελλειπής. Λείπουν στατιστικά στοιχεία.
... for up to 20 minutes. Συμβαίνουν αυτά, κυρίως όταν έχουμε νεαρά άτομα, αν και είναι σπάνια. Η πληροφόρηση ελλειπής. Λείπουν στατιστικά στοιχεία.
1 σχόλιο:
A team at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney revived and then transplanted hearts that had stopped beating for up to 20 minutes.
... for up to 20 minutes. Συμβαίνουν αυτά, κυρίως όταν έχουμε νεαρά άτομα, αν και είναι σπάνια. Η πληροφόρηση ελλειπής. Λείπουν στατιστικά στοιχεία.
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