Russian Orthodox Church

07 October 2011, 16:37

Patriarch Kirill praises Putin for preventing Russia's breakup

Moscow, October 7, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has sent birthday greetings to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who turned 59 on Friday.


"God has bestowed on you the gift of doing numerous responsible jobs, including as Russia's president and prime minister. I testify that largely thanks to your efforts was a tendency overcome that could have pushed our country toward a breakup," the Patriarch said in message of greetings to Putin, posted on the website of the Moscow Patriarchate on Friday.

With "integrity and intense love for the Motherland," characteristic of him, Putin has been effectively exercising his "uneasy service as the head of the government," the Patriarch said.

"As the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, I rejoice at the thought that in the current new relations between church and state and with your direct participation, proper conditions have been created for further fruitful cooperation between Church, on the one hand, and the Russian government and many ministries and agencies, on the other," the Patriarch said.

"Together we demonstrate the care for the moral health of the nation, for strengthening peace and public accord, and for enhancing Russia's international authority," he said.

Patriarch Kirill wished Putin "good health, God's patronage and successes in the work for the benefit of the Fatherland."

2 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Kirill Gundyaev, who calls himself Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, is not a bishop, he is an apostate.

Silver είπε...

If you call him apostate because of his participation in WCC and his recognition of Pope’s “church” as a Church of Christ, you right and we agree. Of course he is not the only one.
The Orthodox Church has plenty apostates-traitors, we also call them ecumenists.