We call you to follow the Holy Fathers' direction and turn away from that dangerous and false ecumenism

The Church is in imminent threat of being overcome by a storm of compromise and capitulation to heterodox doctrine and practice, and no sincere Orthodox Christian, layman or otherwise, can blamelessly remain idle while his path to salvation is washed away.
We call you to follow the Holy Fathers' direction and turn away from that dangerous and false ecumenism which fills our souls with self-importance and the soul-numbing and worldly subjectivity unfortunately so prevalent in post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism.
Let us heed the guidance of the Holy Fathers, who direct us to seek the union that Christ wishes: far from every worldly purpose and every compromise.

Comment by   Dimitris Hatzinikolaou  
This passage must be old. We have long passed the stage of the Church being "in imminent threat." Today (2020), it is actively and rapidly being converted into a pan-religious organization by its own leaders, i.e., pseudo-patriarchs, pseudo-archbishops, etc., who are in fact devil-worshipers. The faithful must break ecclesiastical communion with them, in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Fathers, for otherwise they will be equally guilty with them. All signs suggest that we live in the era of the Antichrist. When St. Hippolytus, the Pope of Rome (3rd century AD), was asked whether or not an organized "church" will exist in the era of the Antichrist, he replied as follows: "Yes, but it will side with the Antichrist!" This is precisely the "church" of the ecumenists (Mr. Bartholomew, Theodore "of Alexandria," etc.) The True Church of Christ exists, of course, and will continue to exist till the Second Coming of the Lord, in those who have "walled off" themselves from the heresy of Ecumenism, in accordance with the 15th Canon of the A and B Synod of Photious the Great (861 AD).

Dimitris Hatzinikolaou
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
University of Ioannina
Ioannina 45110
Tel.:   +30 26510 05925
Fax:    +30 26510 05092

E-mail: dhatzini@uoi.gr

1 σχόλιο:

  1. This passage must be old. We have long passed the stage of the Church being "in imminent threat." Today (2020), it is actively and rapidly being converted into a pan-religious organization by its own leaders, i.e., pseudo-patriarchs, pseudo-archbishops, etc., who are in fact devil-worshipers. The faithful must break ecclesiastical communion with them, in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Fathers, for otherwise they will be equally guilty with them. All signs suggest that we live in the era of the Antichrist. When St. Hippolytus, the Pope of Rome (3rd century AD), was asked whether or not an organized "church" will exist in the era of the Antichrist, he replied as follows: "Yes, but it will side with the Antichrist!" This is precisely the "church" of the ecumenists (Mr. Bartholomew, Theodore "of Alexandria," etc.) The True Church of Christ exists, of course, and will continue to exist till the Second Coming of the Lord, in those who have "walled off" themselves from the heresy of Ecumenism, in accordance with the 15th Canon of the A and B Synod of Photious the Great (861 AD).
