Here a clear victory for truth had been achieved - a victory for Holy Orthodoxy!!!

...Shortly after his ordination, however, Fr Theodoros Ζisis was faced with an event within the context of the dialogue which proved particularly shaking: the condemnation of Unia at Freising. In 1991, the Orthodox and Catholic delegations had both signed a condemnation of Unia. Fr Theodoros had played an instrumental role in drafting the documents and brokering the agreement between the Orthodox and the Vatican representatives. Before the related documents became widely circulated, however, Metropolitan Stylianos of Australia visited his home in the presence of his Presvytera requesting that Fr Theodoros help to cover up the already signed documents. Here a clear victory for truth had been achieved - a victory for Holy Orthodoxy - and he was being asked to make sure it passed unnoticed! Within two years, through the Vatican's great influence, the documents were made to vanish and a new consultation was held at Balamand, Lebanon which cleared Unia's reputation, pretending that the condemnation at Freising had never occured. Fr Theodoros wrote a critique of the Balamand agreement - a document which would prove to be the beginning of the end of his co-operation with the Patriarchate.

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