September 11 Tenth Anniversary Events-The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

NEW YORK – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is commemorating the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the violent and senseless taking of innocent lives, and the destruction of the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas at the World Trade Center, the only place of worship destroyed on that day, with a series of religious observances.
His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America in his encyclical on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary, has asked all parishes of the Archdiocese across the nation

to hold a memorial service at the end of this Sunday’s Divine Liturgy  “and to join with others throughout this nation and the world in recognizing this as a solemn day of remembrance, as we offer prayers for the eternal memory and repose of the innocent victims of the barbaric attacks and for those who heroically fell in the line of duty attempting to help others and save lives. We shall continue to offer prayers for and ministry to the families who lost loved ones on that day.”
On Sunday morning, September 11, 2011, Archbishop Demetrios will preside at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of Holy Trinity in Manhattan (319 East 74th Street) at 10 am. Concelebrating the Divine Liturgy with the Archbishop will be His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas and His Grace Bishop Andonios of Phasiane. Following the Liturgy a memorial service will be offered for the repose of the victims of 9/11, as well as special prayers for continued strength and comfort for the families of the victims and for the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Church.
At 2 pm, the Archbishop will preside over a Trisagion memorial service at Ground Zero near the site of St. Nicholas Church with the participation of the community of St. Nicholas and other faithful. All are asked to gather at gate 7, on Liberty Street (between Greenwich and Church Streets, opposite the firehouse.)
At 7:30 pm, Archbishop Demetrios of America, at the invitation of President Obama, will attend a “Concert for Hope” to honor the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11, at the Kennedy Center Concert Hall, in Washington DC.

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