Patriarch Kirill sympathizes with Angela Merkel over her father's death

Moscow, September 9, 

 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia expressed his condolences to German Chancellor Angela Merkel over her father's death.

"Please, accept my sincere condolences over decease of your father, pastor Horst Kasner. His life fell on critical moments of the 20th century and it required much strength and firm faith. He was always guided by eternal Christian values that exceeded the vanity of this world," the Patriarch said in his message of condolences posted by his press service.

Protestant pastor Horst Kasner died at night on Saturday at the age of 85.

He was born in 1926 in Berlin. He studied theology in Hamburg University after World War II. In 1957 he moved to the town of Templin in 80 kilometers from the capital where he headed a college for pastors.

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