Patriarch Kirill's visit to Moldova to be cut short at doctors' recommendation

28 September 2011, 14:10

 Chisinau/Moscow, September 28, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will cut his visit to Moldova by two days at his doctors' recommendation, Secretary of the Moldovan Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church Archpriest Vadim Cheibas told Interfax.

The Patriarchy has confirmed this information.

The duration of the Patriarch's visit to Moldova will be shortened "at the strong recommendation of the doctors who insist on relaxing the working schedule of the Holy Patriarch," a source from the Patriarchy told Interfax-Religion on Wednesday.

"Nevertheless, the Patriarch is firmly intent on visiting all of the dioceses in Moldova within a fairly short period of time and on talking to the Moldovan clergy and flock in all parts of the country," he said.

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