Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia

19 September 2011, 11:34

Making it to Forbes list should not be people's main purpose in life - Patriarch Kirill

Voronezh, September 19, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia believes false values and goals are currently being promoted n Russian society.

"We often see reports on personal success that is measured with money and fame. It is common in this case to cite the Forbes magazine, which publishes its list of rich people," the Patriarch said in Voronezh State University, where he was awarded the rank of an honored doctor of the university.

The Patriarch said that for many people the main value is "to make it to that list, and people suffer so much when the editorial board of that magazine moves someone up or down on this scale, which not all of us understand."

Patriarch Kirill said people should determine values, then determine their goals on the basis of those values, and then decide on actions, which will make "a triad within which the human personality develops."

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