The papal “council” of Trent anathematizes the Apostles, the Church Fathers, and Christ Himself!

By Dimitris Hatzinikolaou, former Associate Professor of Economics, University of Ioannina


The current situation is extremely gloomy from every respect the Hellenic Nation is based on. The common cause of all the evils that are occurring is the treachery of the current and past puppets that “govern” the State and the Church, where obviously a division of "work" has taken place, the first are handing Hellas over to her enemies, whereas the second are submitting the Church to the New World Order, i.e., to international Satanism, with the first step being her submission to the "pope of Rome." The people do not seem to care, thus making it easy for the traitors. This is an ideal situation for further treason in each sector. Regarding the Church, a new important step has already been announced for its submission to the "pope": the change of the Orthodox Paschalion, so that the common celebration of Pascha is achieved, with the final goal being the complete submission to the "pope." (Partial submission has already taken place since 7-12-1965, when the "lifting" of the excommunications, i.e., the "lifting" of the Schism of 1054, took place.) Most people are theologically illiterate and do not understand that whoever contributes to the change of the Paschalion renders himself rejectable from the Church (see 1st Canon of the Local Council of Antioch, confirmed by the 2nd Canon of the 6th Ecumenical Council). Nor do they understand what Papacy exactly is and that their submission to it will result in their condemnation to eternal Hell. The purpose of the present article is to reveal briefly the anti-Christian character of the Papacy by exposing some of the decisions of the "council" of Trent.


The "council" of Trent took place in three periods during 1545-1563, with the aim of fighting Protestantism. For the Papacy, it is the 19th "Ecumenical Council," which introduced significant reforms. Only a few Orthodox Christians know, however, that, as Dositheus (1641-1707), Patriarch of Jerusalem, writes, this "synod" "anathematizes the Church, the holy Fathers, the Apostles, and Christ Himself"![1] I will refer to just a few points. My main sources are Dositheus’s Dodekabiblos and Schroeder’s English translation of the minutes of the "council” of Trent.[2]


1. Session 3 (Feb. 1546), Decree concerning the Creed. After quoting the Creed, with the addition of the Filioque, it commands: "all who profess the faith of Christ necessarily agree" with this Creed, otherwise they are heretics. Thus, the Church and the holy Fathers, who wrote the Creed without the Filioque, are anathematized (Schroeder, ibid., p. 15).


2. Session 7 (March 1547), Canons on Baptism, Canon 3: "If anyone says that in the Roman Church, which is the mother and mistress of all churches, there is not the true doctrine concerning the sacrament of baptism, let him be anathema" (Schroeder, ibid., p. 53). As Dositheus (ibid.) writes, "following the Apostles, the catholic (i.e., the Orthodox) Church baptizes in three immersions and emersions for the trinity of God and the three-day Resurrection." The papists, who replaced baptism with the "Latin sprinkling," anathematize with this "synod" anyone who says that this innovation is not good. In other words, they anathematize the catholic Church, the holy Fathers, and the Apostles, who left a clear decree for the ritual of baptism (see the 50th Apostolic Canon, The Rudder, published by The Orthodox Christian Educational Society, Chicago, Illinois, 1957, English translation by D. Cummings from the 5th Edition of the Pedalion in Hellenic, Printed in England by W.H. Houldershaw, Ltd., Essex, p. 81). 


3. Sessions 13 (Oct. 1551) and 21 (July 1562), Canons and Decrees concerning the sacrament of the holy Eucharist. Here, the papists innovated this great sacrament in two ways. First, they decided that it is not necessary to communicate the divine gifts in both kinds, bread and wine, but that one kind suffices. Second, they decided that it is not necessary to give the divine gifts to children. And they anathematize those who say that these reforms were not well done. Specifically, in Chapter IV of Session 21 they laid down the following canons (Schroeder, ibid., pp. 134-135):


Canon 1: "If anyone says that each and all the faithful of Christ are by a precept of God or by the necessity of salvation bound to receive both species of the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist, let him be anathema."


Canon 2: "If anyone says that the holy Catholic Church was not moved by just causes and reasons that laymen and clerics when not consecrating should communicate under the form of bread only, or has erred in this, let him be anathema."


Canon 4: "If anyone says that communion of the Eucharist is necessary for little children before they have attained the years of discretion, let him be anathema."


Dositheus (ibid.) comments on these canons as follows: "The Lord said, Take, eat, and drink of it, all of you, and the holy Fathers have accepted the words of the Lord, that all Christians must eat the flesh and drink the blood, whereas the Pope innovated against the saints and against Christ himself, and decided that the laity should take communion of the one kind only, that is, bread, which was affirmed before by the Latin councils in Constance and in Basel, and the present council accepted this decision with great blasphemy, and anathematizes those who say that the Roman Church did not do this for a good reason." And he continues: "The Lord said, Receive, eat, and drink of it, all of you, and the catholic Church from the beginning offered the communion of the Sacrament to the children as well, whereas the Roman, that is, the papal Church, decided that only those who have attained the years of discretion can take communion, and not the children, and anathematizes those who say that the papal Church is not justified in doing so, thus anathematizing again the catholic (i.e., the Orthodox) Church, and the holy Fathers, and Christ himself"!


4. Session 24 (November 1563), Canons concerning the sacrament of matrimony, Canon 7: "If anyone says that the Church errs in that she taught and teaches that in accordance with evangelical and apostolic doctrine the bond of matrimony cannot be dissolved by reason of adultery on the part of one of the parties, and that both, or even the innocent party who gave no occasion for adultery, cannot contract another marriage during the lifetime of the other, and that he is guilty of adultery who, having put away the adulteress, shall marry another, and she also who, having put away the adulterer, shall marry another,   let him be anathema” (Schroeder, ibid., pp. 181-182). Commenting on this canon, Dositheus (ibid.) writes that it "anathematizes those who get a divorce for adultery, and so anathematizes the one who said that whoever divorces his wife except for the reason of adultery, and the catholic Church, and the holy Fathers." That is, this canon anathematizes Christ(!), as He allows the divorce because of adultery (Matt. 5:32 and 19:9).


            Having said that, we conclude that Dositheus did not exaggerate when he wrote that "the papacy is anti-Christianity" (Dodekabiblos, ibid., Book 11, Ch. 1, Par. 4) and that the papists are "proven liars" (Dodekabiblos, ibid., Book 12, Ch. 9, Par. 3). Nor was he lying when he described events such as the following: "In order to demonstrate themselves to be the ancient and inexorable enemies of the orthodox, the Latins broke the Iconostasis of the Temple in Bethlehem . . . they laughed at and trampled on the holy Cross and the holy Icons alluding that they are paintings of the Romans, and dug up the holy table in the arch in front of the holy tomb, where the Patriarchs distributed the holy light" (Dodekabiblos, ibid, Book 12, Ch. 13).


            When will the faithful people abide by the exhortation of Athanasius the Great and vote out the false bishops who call the Papacy "sister Church"? He writes: "If the bishop or the presbyter, being the eyes of the Church, behave in an unorthodox manner and scandalize the faithful, they ought to be expelled. For it is in interest of the faithful to assemble in the church without them rather than going to the lake of fire with them, as with Annas and Caiaphas" (Patrologia Graeca, vol. 27, p. 1369C). In other words, if the faithful do not want to go to Hell, they ought not to be together in the holy temples with the false bishops who go along with the pseudo-synod of Crete (2016). That is, they must wall off from the Ecumenists, who now accept in communion even those who openly reject the Gospel, i.e., those who recently (on 15 Feb. 2024) supported and shamelessly legitimized homosexuality as a God-given normality! As I have written repeatedly, according to all the Scriptures, all the Councils, and all the Holy Fathers, those who knowingly communicate ecclesiastically with heretics are to be anathematized.


Source: Newspaper Orthodoxos Typos, Friday 12 July 2024, no. 2503 (in Hellenic, English translation by the author).

[1] See Dositheus’s Dodekabiblos, Book 11, Ch. 5, Par. 8, published by V. Rigopoulos, Thessaloniki, 1983.

[2] See Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, English translation by Rev. H.J. Schroeder, O.P., Tan Books and Publishers, Illinois, 1978.


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