The lives and the teachings of the Holy Church Fathers must guide us. – Βy Dimitris Hatzinikolaou, Associate Professor University of Ioannina

Jesus Christ established only ONE Church, the Orthodox one, which has the Truth in full. There do not exist many churches, each of which preaches a different version of the Truth, as there is only ONE Christ, and hence only ONE Truth. The other "churches" are simply pseudo-churches. Thus, for example, the "pope of Rome" is a pseudo-bishop, a clown! Unfortunately, these days, it is difficult to see where the True Church of Christ is, because almost all of the bishops of the Orthodox Church are either ecumenists or have adopted other heresies. This is an extremely disturbing fact, as it is a strong sign that the Antichrist is on his way to rule the World. Therefore, we must prepare ourselves spiritually, so that we can face what is to come as true Christians. The lives and the teachings of the Holy Church Fathers must guide us. Amen.

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