As it is known, for many years, extensive talking is done by the clergy as well as by the laity, regarding the topic of the “unification of the churches”. However, the unification of which churches do they mean? The Incarnate God established one Church, which has a Head, a Leader and a Founder, and not many churches. Christ himself said: “I am the true vineyard…” (John 15:1). He didn’t simply say He is “a vineyard” but “the vineyard” and indeed the “true” one. And this Church is the Orthodox Church. It is the Church about which the Prophet David, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said: “… look down from heaven and see, and visit this vineyard (not these) which Your right hand has planted” (Psalm 79:15-16). The Lord spoke about “the vineyard” and not about “the vineyards”. Apostle Paul, the apostle of the nations, in his Letter to the Ephesians (Ch. 5:25) writes: “Christ loved the Church (not the churches) and gave Himself for Her (and not these churches) …” Why? Simply because the right hand of the Lord planted one Church which “He nourishes and cherishes” (Ephesians 5:29). Besides, this is what we confess in the ninth article of the Symbol of our Faith when we say “In One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”, not many.


Ο/Η Ανώνυμος είπε...

Δεν ξέρω αν ενδιαφέρει τον Κωνσταντίνο αλλά επειδή είχα γράψει παλαιότερα για τις εμφανίσεις της ψευδοπαρθένου στην Βοσνία και συγκεκριμένα στην πόλη Medjugorje τις οποίες ο πάπας δεν πιστοποίησε αλλά και δεν απαγόρευσε(αντίθετα αποδέχτηκε τα παπικά προσκυνήματα εκεί) ποτέ στους παπικούς και όχι μόνο να πηγαίνουν εκεί και να προσηλυτίζονται στην σατανική της καρδιά ήθελα να προσθέσω τα νέα. Η ψευδοπαρθένος εμφανίζονταν κάθε 2 του μήνα στην περιοχή από το 1987 σε μια συγκεκριμένη γυναίκα με την ονομασία Mirjana και μετέφερε όπως λένε μηνύματα για την Ειρήνη! Οι εμφανίσεις είναι στο YouTube... Στις 18 Μαρτίου ωστόσο και με το ξέσπασμα του κορωνοϊού ανακοινώθηκε στους παπικούς ότι οι μηνιαίες εμφανίσεις έφτασαν στο τέλος τους. Η ψευδοπαρθένος είπε ότι είχε να πει για την Ειρήνη. Μάλιστα λες και το ήξεραν το προηγούμενο καλοκαίρι ότι έφτανε το τέλος και είπαν να κάνουν ένα θεαματικό φινάλε οπότε και συγκεκριμένα στις 2 Ιουλίου 2019 έγινε και εκεί ένα μεγάλο ψευδοθαύμα στον ήλιο για να πειστούν οι παπικοί... Δείτε:

Δείτε επίσης τις προβολές, τα likes και τα σχόλια για να δείτε την αποδοχή που όλα αυτά έχουν στον παπικό κόσμο...
Αξίζει να δείτε και πώς είναι ο χώρος των "εμφανίσεών" της, με το σατανικό άγαλμα μέσα στο σημερινό σύμβολο του Ισραήλ, το θεωρούμενο ως Αστέρι του Δαυίδ...:

On this topic, Saint Nektarios writes in his Holy Catechism on page 94: “When we say one Church we mean the one and only religious institution on earth, which was founded and was inaugurated by Christ and the Holy Spirit, and of which Christ is the Head… ”, not the Pope. Saint Nektarios in his book “A Historical Study of the Church and the Holy Tradition” says: “Those who have not been reborn through the Divine Grace, which functions within the only One Catholic and Apostolic Church, do not constitute any church, neither visible nor invisible”. Have you noticed the “do not constitute any church”; therefore the improperly called churches are parasynagogues which were created at a later stage by various heretics and the Devil who hides behind them. It is about time that the ‘troparion’ about unification stops, because it is a delusion; and for them to learn the troparion regarding ‘their return’ with repentance, humility and contrition. Based on all that has been said, any welldisposed reader can conclude that not a single agreement can be reached, with those who steadfastly and unrepentantly insist on their false misbeliefs and heretical stance. They are entirely in a deception and as the Equal-to-theApostles Saint Kosmas says: “they walk in darkness in the hands of the Devil”. The attempts with dialogues, common prayer and compromise which take place… in order to create the appropriate atmosphere for the attempted unification – meaning betrayal, separation from God and a new deception the ecumenism, – are anti-canonical. They do not carry the seal of authenticity, because on one hand, canons of the Ecumenical Councils are being violated, and on the other hand, because all this is being pursued in the absence of the full agreement in the truth. There is also the danger of creation of another schism in the Orthodox Church which will cause sadness to Christ, joy to Satan and loss of souls. It would be good to firstly pursue the unification of all of us sinners with God through genuine repentance, and then harmony and love among Orthodox Christians and not with the stubborn, egotist, rationalist and unremorseful heretics, with whom St John the Evangelist of love, does not permit to even exchange a greeting (B’ John 10). Recently, from what is said, written and done, it can be deduced that some bishops, clergy and theologians think in an anti-Orthodox way and, having failed in matters of faith, they work intensively for the so called “unification of churches”. Unification with whom? Unification with everybody … with heretics by nature and stance, papists, and protestants, with more similar and worse, in the name of the false love. The primates who work in this way, who based on the holy canons of our Church, are favouring the Latins, the Protestants and the Ecumenists, are also already deposed in the conscience of the faithful Orthodox Christians; they are rejected as they do not embrace the evangelical, apostolic and patristic teaching of the Orthodox Faith and Tradition, which is taught at all times everywhere. We have the obligation to be careful of all those who deviated from the right faith and who are adulterators of our blameless Faith, remembering the words of Apostle Paul : “ If anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:9), as well as what Saint Ignatius the Godbearer said: "Whoever does not talk as it has been established, even if he fasts or keeps chastity or can prophesise or can perform miracles, is a wolf in a sheepskin who works for the destruction of the sheep”. Since the beginning, the Church of Christ has faced traitors and Judas-like people in her midst. However, there has also been a plethora of brave confessors of faith, the courageous defenders of the Lord’s group, hierarchs, martyrs and confessors. Even today, during our materialistic era, Jesus Christ has His dedicated disciples. His Grace supports and will continue to support people of great Orthodox standing, who are capable of dispersing the dark clouds which cover the clear horizon of our martyred Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy survives and will survive unto the ages of ages, because its Leader and Perfector is the Theanthropos Jesus Christ, Who stabilises and protects it, as the truthful mouth of the Lord confirmed: “and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Mathew 16:18). However, there is one difference. It is possible that many people who were born Orthodox, will not die as Orthodox. Many judge things numerically. They forget that God is not found with the numbers, but is found with those who possess the truth, even if they are just a few. The final victory belongs to those select few who possess the unadulterated truth, the truth which is the invincible God and His protection. The sneaky and diplomatic efforts of the Western “church” which functions like a cunning fox, do not aim at learning and rejecting her falsehoods, and with repentance to return to the Church of the first centuries, from which she broke away and fell into delusion. Her aim is to succeed, if possible, in the overpowering and the absorption of the Orthodox Church. If she truly desires the unification with the Orthodox Church, in God, there is one way and path: Like the prodigal son of the Gospel, to return in repentance, genuinely rejecting the stack of her heretical beliefs and respecting all which the seven Ecumenical Councils rightly established through the Holy Spirit. This is what the Patriarch of Constantinople Gregory the sixth brilliantly indicated in 1868 by saying: “Remove the addition if anything was added, wherever it is; add whatever was removed, if anything was removed from anywhere; then without realising, all of us will find ourselves at the same position as that of the Catholic Orthodoxy”. And Saint Nektarios says: “While the reasons responsible for the split remain the same … the unification is impossible”. Beloved, it is time that to be more vigilant for the integrity of our Holy Faith should be our priority, since without the True Faith we receive no benefit from our good works, if obviously there are any. In order to be saved, through the Grace of God, we need to have in our life both Orthodoxia (correct belief) and Orthopraxia (correct practice), otherwise we labour in vain, as Saint John Chrysostom also says: “There is no use for a pure life if the doctrines are corrupt, the same as that there is no benefit if the doctrines are correct and the life is corrupt.” And “Virtue is the precision of the true doctrines and the correctness of life”. Therefore, beware of the deceptive sermons of the “unification of churches...!” and insist upon our patristic traditions until death. And we should not want to become latin-like, just as much as our ancestors did not want to become turkish-like. We should always pray saying with faith: “God, our Lord, strengthen the holy and blameless faith of the Orthodox Christians to the ages of ages”. To the latin-like, the protestant-like and the ecumenist-like, let us repeat the words of the pillar of Orthodoxy St Mark of Ephesus the Eugenikos: “There is no room for negotiations in matters of the Orthodox Faith”. St. K

3 σχόλια:

  1. Δεν ξέρω αν ενδιαφέρει τον Κωνσταντίνο αλλά επειδή είχα γράψει παλαιότερα για τις εμφανίσεις της ψευδοπαρθενου στην Βοσνία και συγκεκριμένα στην πόλη Medjugorje τις οποίες ο πάπας δεν πιστοποιησε αλλά και δεν απαγόρευσε(αντίθετα αποδέχτηκε τα παπικα προσκυνηματα εκεί) ποτέ στους παπικους και όχι μόνο να πηγαίνουν εκεί και να προσηλυτιζονται στην σατανική της καρδιά ήθελα να προσθέσω τα νέα. Η ψευδοπαρθενος εμφανίζονταν κάθε 2 του μήνα στην περιοχή από το 1987 σε μια συγκεκριμένη γυναίκα με την ονομασία Mirjana και μετέφερε όπως λένε μηνύματα για την Ειρήνη! Οι εμφανίσεις είναι στο YouTube... Στις 18 Μαρτίου ωστόσο και με το ξέσπασμα του κορωνοιου ανακοινώθηκε στους παπικους ότι οι μηνιαίες εμφανίσεις έφτασαν στο τέλος τους. Η ψευδοπαρθενος είπε ότι είχε να πει για την Ειρήνη. Μάλιστα λες και το ήξεραν το προηγούμενο καλοκαίρι ότι έφτανε το τέλος και είπαν να κάνουν ένα θεαματικό φινάλε οπότε και συγκεκριμένα στις 2 Ιουλίου 2019 έγινε και εκεί ένα μεγάλο ψευδοθαυμα στον ήλιο για να πειστούν οι παπικοι... Δείτε:
    Δείτε επίσης τις προβολές, τα likes και τα σχόλια για να δείτε την αποδοχή που όλα αυτά έχουν στον παπικο κόσμο...
    Αξίζει να δείτε και πώς είναι ο χώρος των "εμφανίσεων" της με το σατανικό άγαλμα μέσα στο σημερινό σύμβολο του Ισραήλ, το θεωρούμενο ως Αστέρι του Δαυίδ...:

    1. Σίγουρα αν σε ένα παράλληλο σύμπαν υπήρχαν εκεί και παπικοι ακόλουθοι του παλαιού ημερολογίου τότε τα πράγματα θα δυσκολευαν τρομακτικά για τους παπικους... Θα έπρεπε να διαλέξουν το αστρονομικά σωστό ώστε να λατρεύουν σωστά τα άστρα οπότε και θα έπεφταν οι μάσκες...

    2. Το συγκεκριμένο ίσως τοποθετήθηκε και επίτηδες για να συσπειρωσει τους παπικους πιστούς καθότι όποιος το βλέπει πρώτη φορά θα ψάξει και άλλο από αμφιβολία και τότε θα δει ότι συνέβησαν πραγματικά σατανικά οράματα στον ήλιο για να πλανηθει ο λαός όπως ένα πολύ διάσημο στις μέρες μας(οι πιστοί νομίζουν ότι εκεί στον ήλιο είναι ο Χριστός και χαιρετάνε και λατρεύουν τον ήλιο επηρεασμένοι από τα όσα βλέπουν βεβαίως) :
