The following complaint was sent to BBC News by Elpida Argyrakopoulos following publication of the article entitled: Hagia Sophia: Iconic Istanbul museum 'could return to mosque (July 10, 2020)

The original article has since been removed from the BBC’s site, but a copy of said article can be found on the following webpage:

Your Article is an Offence to Western Civilization.
I am writing to deplore the journalistic attitudes of the BBC as regards the article "Hagia Sophia: Iconic Istanbul museum 'could return to mosque'". The problem with the article is that while it is factually correct, it is written with such mastery so as to conceal the real story of the Hagia Sophia and the larger issue. The situation is ironic given that in today's edition, the BBC also reports on a decision made by USA courts whereby it was ruled that half of Oklahoma is Native American land. Even in the USA, the country where - news outlets remind us on a daily basis - systemic racism abounds, there is recognition of truth, history, and heritage of a people wronged in centuries past.
Yet, the BBC’s article on Hagia Sophia written by, one would expect, educated and objective journalists, conveniently forgets to mention that Hagia Sophia, the Greek Orthodox Cathedral, along with all Constantinople, fell in the hands of the Ottoman Empire when they invaded Constantinople in 1453, massacred the Greek population, made sex slaves of their women, and children-warriors of young boys. The hatred for all things Greek and the desire to erase history started with a genocide and continued against its buildings, the most important of which The Hagia Sophia Cathedral, which they turned into a mosque. This colonization in its most violent forms and the barbaric and terrorist-like approach of the Ottomans seemed to ease when the Cathedral was turned into a museum. Sadly, today, we are witnessing a regression back to the Ottoman Empire's practices. Only now, these actions are allegedly condoned by the BBC - for this is how the subtext of this article may be interpreted. While BBC would surely denounce the flying of a confederate flag at this time and age (and rightly so), it fails to show equal disdain for the mosque-fication of The Cathedral, which for Greeks - and all western civilization, for that matter- bears the same wounds and is a reminder of a most savage colonizer.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Well done! Now that the New World Order (NWO) and its puppets ("prime-ministers," "patriarchs," etc.) struggle to extinguish Orthodoxy, whose "leaders" unfortunately side with the NWO, such voices are desperately needed.
