Πλήν ο υιός του ανθρώπου ελθών άρα ευρήσει την πίστιν επί της γης;

Αυτό από την Αυστραλία:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As of Monday 1st June, up to 50 worshippers are allowed in Church.  At St Ioannis we have adopted the following:
  1. Please socially isolate if you have fever, sore throat and/or flu like symptoms, in fact if you have such symptoms consider being tested for COVID-19
  2. Only come to Church for a Service if you have prebooked it.  To book phone our Church office on 9635 9480 between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday. 
  3. So that we can be fair to all our Parishioners, you can only book one Sunday in June.  You can however book as many midweek services as you like
  4. At Church apply hand sanitiser that we will provide, do not kiss icons or the Priest's hand, and maintain at least 1.5 metres from others
  5. We will continue live-streaming most of our Services on https://fb.me/StIoannis
  6. The exact dates and times of our Services till 1 July can be seen on https://www.stioannis.org/church-services-english/ (note that morning services other than Sunday now begin at 7am and finish between 9 and 9.30am)

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