Patriarch Kirill sees the threat of restricting human freedom in digital technologies

Sarov, August 1, Interfax - 

The chief danger of developing digital technologies is restriction of human freedom, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia believes. 

Such an opinion he expressed at his meeting with scientists from the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental Physics in Sarov.

"The danger of developing new technologies is only in it: these technologies result in certain restrictions or even lack of freedom for people. <...>The more we depend on digital media, the more we endanger our freedom," the primate of the Russian Church said.

The patriarch stressed that the loss of freedom of personality can be unnoticed by people who entirely depend technological achievements.

"Not only means of communication, but the entire digital civilization that is becoming our asset can maximally restrict human freedom without creating any discomfort. A person can even fail to notice that his freedom is restricted, but it will be restricted," the primate said.

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