A week of alarming revelations: Marriage & Safe Schools

A week of alarming revelations: Marriage & Safe Schools
Dear Friends,
This last week we have seen some unsettling revelations regarding the marriage campaign and the dangerous Safe Schools Coalition Program in schools.
A group of Liberal MPs and one Senator are planning to defy the Coalition’s election promise for a people’s vote on same sex ‘marriage’. These MPs are planning to cross the floor, to vote with Labor, the Greens and Independents to force the parliament to debate same-sex ‘marriage’.
Your voice is needed urgently. Liberal MPs are heading to Canberra for a special party meeting at 4pm on Monday. Please email your elected MPs and Senators requesting that they retain the true meaning of marriage via the website action.fava.org.au/stand4marriage
Excellent wording suggestions are provided to help you express your thoughts to your local MP.
A video of a Victorian mother speaking out against the dangerous “Safe Schools” program has revealed that children are being exposed to hyper sexualised content in our classrooms.
The video has been viewed 3.6 million times on the ‘you're teaching our children what?’ Facebook page and can also be viewed on their website. Despite having generated an outcry amongst parents the Victorian Daniel Andrew’s Government plans to continue the roll out of this program in all schools next year.
Please sign this national petition asking that Safe Schools be scrapped. And share the link to the Petition to your friends and relatives URGENTLY. We must save our children from this dangerous program.
We ask you to pray for all of the above so that our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother the Theotokos enlighten our politicians and protect our children.
Prayerfully Yours,
Speak Up for Marriage Group
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