“You knew I was a snake before you took me in.”

Donald Trump likens immigrants to a poisonous snake that bites the person who lets it in 

Donald Trump - fighting for a clean sweep on Tuesday in primaries that could secure him the Republican nomination - likened immigrants to the US to a deadly snake that bites the person who shows it kindness.
Speaking in a private hangar at Youngstown airport, the Republican frontrunner underscored his staunch position on immigration, vowing to build one wall along the US border with Mexico to keep Central Americans out, and one in Syria to keep Isis in.
“We have to make sure who we’re letting in,” he said, to cheers from his supporters.
Towards the end of a 35 minute speech delivered in front of perhaps 2,000 people, Mr Trump recited a poem that told the story of all snake who is taken into her home by a kindly woman. The snake is nursed back to health but then delivers a poisonous bite to its host.
The dying woman asks the snake why it has acted like this given that she has helped it. Mr Trump - delivering the snake’s response - concluded: “You knew I was a snake before you took me in.”

Mr Trump is looking for big wins in Illinois, Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, and Ohio, all of which are holding primaries on Tuesday.
Yet it may be here in Ohio that becomes the most important battleground. If the state’s governor, John Kasich, wins the state and its haul of delegates, it would be impossible for Mr Trump to secure the Republican nomination before the party’s convention in July.
Given the billionaire’s unpopularity among the Republican establishment, it is likely that unless he has a clear majority of delegates going into the convention, he could face a challenge for the nomination from another candidate.


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