Oμοφυλόφιλο "ζευγάρι" κάνει ερώτηση στην Χριστιανή υπάλληλο που αρνείται να τους εκδώσει άδεια "γάμου" σύμφωνα με το νόμο στις Η.Π.Α, : Κάτω από ποια εξουσία αρνείσαι; Τους απαντά: Κάτω από την εξουσία του Θεού!!!

A Christian official has refused to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples in Kentucky U.S. despite exhausting all of her legal options.

A district judge could now hold Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in contempt, which can carry steep fines or jail time.
She had argued that her faith prevented her from carrying out her duty.
But the US Supreme Court rejected her argument on Monday and ordered her to grant licences.
On Tuesday morning, two gay couples were turned away when they asked for marriage licenses.
Ms Davis stayed inside her office with the blinds closed as the couples demanded to see her.
She eventually came out, but she said she would not issue any licences.
"Under whose authority?" she was asked. "Under God's authority," she said.
Dozens of reporters and activists on both sides filled the waiting area of the Rowan County clerk's office, alternatively chanting "do your job" and "stand firm".
One of the men seeking a licence, David Ermold, said he and his partner would not leave the office until they were married.
"Then you're going to have a long day," Ms Davis replied.
Since the court legalised gay marriage nationwide two months ago, Ms Davis has refused to issue any marriage licences to anyone.
The American Civil Liberties Union sued her on behalf of four couples, two gay and two heterosexual.
In making its ruling on Monday, without any comment, the Supreme Court also denied her request for a stay while she pursues an appeal.

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