New monastery in the West Coast: Monastery of St. Silouan

(ROCOR-WAD) - ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE BLESSING OF THE NEW MONASTERY OF ST. SILOUAN. (The following announcement will soon be available on the Western American Diocese's web site,, but as many are asking for details, I'm providing it here as well.)

By the grace of God, a new men’s monastery of the Western American Diocese will be formally blessed following a service of the Divine Liturgy on the new monastery’s patronal feast day of St. Silouan the Athonite (11th / 24th September 2015).
The festal Divine Liturgy will be concelebrated by the Diocesan Hierarch, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, and His Eminence’s Auxiliary, His Grace Bishop Theodosy of Seattle. Following the Liturgy a moleben will be served, with a procession and blessing of the whole of the 47.5-acre monastery property.

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