Oι αντίχριστοι Οικουμενιστές παραχωρούν τον Εθνικό Καθεδρικό ναό στην Ουάσινγκτον των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών στους Μουσουλμάνους !!! -- First Muslim prayers at National Cathedral interrupted by protester

Women talk as the Washington National Cathedral and five Muslim groups hold the first celebration of Muslim Friday Prayers, Jumaa, in the Cathedral's North Transept in Washington, November 14, 2014.        REUTERS/Larry Downing

(Reuters) - The first Muslim prayer service ever hosted at the National Cathedral, a landmark Christian church in the U.S. capital, was briefly interrupted on Friday by a lone anti-Islamic protester but the religious gathering continued with a theme of tolerance.The outburst came as dozens of Muslims knelt on prayer rugs below walls of stained glass and stone archways. The protester, a woman from Michigan who declined to give her name, managed to sneak into the tightly secured, invite-only service and interrupt the introduction.
"Jesus Christ is on that cross over there," she yelled. "Get out of our church. Leave our church alone."

Μια Χριστιανή που κατόρθωσε να περάσει από τον μεγάλο έλεγχο ασφάλειας, των με προσκλήσεων Μουσουλμάνων, διέκοψε την "ακολουθία της προσευχής", και φώναξε δυνατά: Ο Ιησούς Χριστός είναι στο Σταυρό επάνω εκεί, φύγετε έξω από την εκκλησία. Αφήστε την εκκλησία ήσυχη.


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