Holy Metropolis of Oropos and Phyle
Third Clergy Synaxis
Phyle, Athens, Tuesday, November 5/18, 2014

Genuine Orthodoxy in View of the Challenge of 2016

1.We, the clergy of the Holy Metropolis of Oropos and Phyle, belonging to the
Church of the True Orthodox Christians of Greece, by the Grace of our Lord and
under the protection of theAll-Holy Theotokos, have assembled on this day, Tuesday,
November 5/18, 2014, at the headquarters of the Holy Metropolis of Oropos and
Phyle, the Holy Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina, for our third regular monthly
Clergy Synaxis, at the invitation of, and in the presence of, our ruling Hierarch, His
Eminence, Metropolitan Cyprian.

2.We have been informed about various ecclesiastical and pastoral matters, had
discussions, made decisions, and been mutually edified. Our especial concern, however,
has been the so-called Pan-Orthodox Synod of 2016, which is being prepared
by the Orthodox ecumenists.
3.Our sensitivities as Orthodox pastors arouse distress and disquiet in us, since the
so-called Synod of 2016 is certain, if and insofar as it is finally convened, to cause,
on the one hand, grave turmoil for the People of God and, on the other hand, to render
the chasm between the Genuine Orthodox and the syncretistic ecumenists henceforth
4. The Synod of 2016 can be characterized in advance and without any doubt as
a false synod, for the following basic reasons:
a. It has been in preparation for many decades, now, in a spirit that is not charismatic,
but patently bureaucratic and scholastic; within the framework of the ecumenical
movement; on the basis of the Patriarchal Encyclical of 1920, which was
clearly and fundamentally ecumenist; and with an ecumenical outlook.
b. The documents already prepared regarding relations with the heterodox and
those of other religions attest to the intention of the ecumenists to recognize the ecclesiality
of heretics, which they have, for all that, at present already recognized de
facto and in a variety of ways, and also to the steady prospect of their becoming yet
further embroiled in so-called interfaith collaboration and close coöperation “with
all peace-loving adherents of other world religions.”
c. There is no provision in the agendum for recognizing two major Synods, the
Eighth and the Ninth, as OEcumenical; in fact, a proposal to include this issue on the
agendum was rejected or circumvented.
d. During the whole process of so-called “Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Consultations,”
which have drawn up “the theological and ecclesiastical topics that the Synod
due to be convened in 2016 will deal with,” never, as an eminent university professor
emphasizes, have these topics “been put before the entire body of the Hierarchy” of
the local official Churches, “so that the Hierarchs might take a synodal position on
such topics”; that is, “no guarantees” are provided “for the Church to express Herself
in accordance with the Holy Spirit”; “complete transparency” is nonexistent; “the
functioning of the synodal institution of the Church, which is governed by the Holy
Spirit,” has been abolished; “there is a ‘dearth’ of conciliarity”; “some form of Papism
in the domain of the Orthodox Church is on the horizon”; and, as the aforementioned
professor correctly observes, there is an accelerated movement “along the
lines of Papism,” since “someone is aspiring to be placed over all of the Bishops, and
ultimately over the entire Church.”
e. The so-called official Churches, namely the ecumenists, are approaching the
Synod of 2016 deeply divided and at odds with each other for many different reasons.
However, the principal topic for a truly Great Pan-Orthodox Synod ought to be the
unity, the union, the reunion, and the concurrence of all the Orthodox in theApostolic
teaching and the Apostolic ethos of genuine Orthodoxy, “that the world might believe.”
5.We humbly appeal to the spiritual leadership of our Church, beseeching in a filial
spirit that it make the dissemination of information regarding the false synod of
2016 a matter of immediate priority.
6.A reliable and properly documented critique of this ecumenist initiative has two
aspects: pastoral and missionary.
• Pastoral, because the pious members of our martyric Church should be educated
more deeply, so as to confront the pan-heresy of ecumenism with ever greater awareness,
with a unified outlook, and with Godly zeal.
• Missionary, because well-intentioned and God-fearing faithful in the New Calendar
Church and, in general, in the so-called official local Churches need to be informed
in a responsible manner about the deadly peril of the false synod of 2016, in
order ultimately to wall themselves off from the “false shepherds” and “false teachers”
of ecumenist error and to be incorporated into the True Orthodox Church.
7. It is our conviction that such an informatory endeavor on the part of our venerable
and beloved Shepherds in Christ will contribute to enhancing the theological
consciousness of our pious flock in general, and will also testify to a lofty level of conciliar
sensibility and functioning, in contrast to the ecumenists,who—aside from anything
else—are constantly sliding toward the establishment of a Pope of the East.
Phyle, Athens
Tuesday, November 5/18, 2014
Sts. Galaction and Episteme
All of the Members of the Synaxis
† Metropolitan Cyprian, † Archimandrite Theodosios (Abbot), † Archimandrite
Athanasios, † Archimandrite Gregory, † Archimandrite Mark, † Protopresbyter Father
Apostolos K., † Reverend Father Angelos M., † Reverend Father Dorotheos X.,
† Reverend Father Athanasios K., † Reverend Father Demetrios P., † Reverend Father
Constantine S., † Reverend Father Nicolas M., Hierodeacon Father Gabriel.

• [Seven clergy were absent for legitimate reasons].

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