Ο αδελφός μας Ιουστίνος έστειλε το κάτωθι κείμενο : Το όραμα του Ρώσου Μοναχού Αντωνίου


“This is the vision that I was allowed to see by the Grace of God. First of all, there are various kinds of technological developments that humanity has made which are wrong. These technologies are wrong and satanic because they violate the laws of God.  These developments are wrong because they will become useless for us in the future.  Planes will begin to fall from the skies. Ships will begin to sink.  Nuclear power stations and chemical factories will begin to blow up.  All of these things will happen during catastrophic natural disasters which will ravage all nations of the world, the first of which will be America.  These catastrophes will be brought about by powerful storms, earthquakes, intense draughts and great cataclysms. 

Gangs of thieves will roam the streets of our cities and their lawlessness will go unpunished.  The farms will be polluted with toxic rains and will suffer from intense draughts to the point that they will not be able to produce their crops.  Large herds of animals will die and the people will not be disposed to bury their bodies.  The animals will remain unburied and their decaying bodies will pollute the air.  In order to survive cannibalism will become a common practice amongst people.  

All morality of our civilized society will be trampled upon.  Satan has attempted many times in the past to bring about a universal uprooting of civilized moral law.  But, in the past, he has always encountered the Church hindering his every effort to do this.  The powers of darkness fear very much the denunciations of the Church. This is why, when the Light of Truth no longer shines forth in the world, then diabolical powers will become more powerful.

I saw that evil will spread throughout the world and it will defame the Christian Church which is the spotless Body of Jesus Christ.  This effort will first start with the media attacking the teachings of the Church.  This defamation of the Church will take place in newspapers, on radio and television.  Especially the Orthodox Church and Orthodox Christians will be derided and laughed at.  The Church services of Orthodox Christians and their religious practices of fasting, prayer and confession will be ridiculed.  They will make fun of all things Christian and all things that make up the Christian way of life.

Unbelievable catastrophes will enter the life of the Orthodox Church.  This will happen through its very clergy, its bishops and priest.  In spite of their outward appearance of piety, their spirit will be one of enmity and unchristian behavior. Because of this attitude the faithful will distance themselves from the Churches.  This will especially happen in those Churches that are administered by unchristian clergymen.  Because of this unchristian spirit, newly renovated and newly built Churches will become empty. 

In addition to this, priests that are faithful to their calling will be persecuted. They will be hunted down and defamed by their enemies.  The efforts of the demons will get to the point where priests will be killed.  This will happen when Jesus sees that the pious bishops and priests are prepared to receive the crown of martyrdom.  During that time of Christian persecution there will be many faithful Christians who will become martyrs.

One of the freedoms that the arrogant demons will attempt to establish at that time will be people’s right to live immoral lives.  It is unfortunate to state that even today people have accepted immorality as a way of life. 

One of the freedoms that demons want people to follow is the freedom of living licentiously.  It is unfortunate to state that people have already accepted to live this way.  Immorality has been accepted as an important part of a contemporary lifestyle. Adultery will no longer be looked upon as sin but as an expression of sexual freedom.  A corrupted lifestyle will be encouraged from a very young age.  It will be promoted as sex education, as an integral part of our culture.   Young children will be shown naked bodies indulging in sex.  This will be done to inflame their lascivious passions and then they will be taught that this is simply an expression of their physiological instincts.  The news media and television will be filled with naked bodies showing evil scenes of adultery.

In spite of all this happening and the acceptance of adultery as normal behavior, this will not be enough for the demons.  Sodomy and pedophilia will be promoted as the ultimate expression of freedom.  The propaganda celebrating these sinful acts will acquire great acceptance in the world.  In fact, it will become more accepted than simple sexual immorality.   The issue of homosexual marriage will receive such acceptance in our society that it will rival the discovery of life-saving antibiotics.

The sin of sodomy will become an accepted lifestyle.  At the beginning, it will be accepted by movie stars and then by the politicians.  The sin of sodomy will become the sign of the times.  These expressions of wanton and unbridled immorality have already been accepted and practiced in the annual homosexual festivals throughout America.  All of these unfortunate practices will also become a part of the Russian scene. It will be something not less than an unsightly expression.

All of us who oppose these demonic influences of immorality will be considered individuals who are interfering with the freedoms of other people.  We will be considered uneducated, enemies of the state and its well-being. All the nations will have as their ultimate goal the protection of demonic freedom in place of moral Christian values.

The Grace of God has allowed me to see this vision.  In this vision I also saw how our youth will come under the influence of Satan because of the acceptance of immoral behavior.  The youth will become drunk with alcohol and narcotics.  They will become helpless in the face of this onslaught from hell and they will seek release by committing suicide.  As a result of all this happening there will be large numbers of suicides.  The numbers will be so great that they will eventually not surprise anyone.   It will become an accepted part of modern life.

I know that I have frightened you to a very high degree.  But believe me that it is even more frightening to watch this vision unfold before you.  That which I saw was even more fearful and evil than that which I was able to describe in words.” 

This was an excerpt from a book that talks about the conversations and teachings of the Elder Anthony in 1970.  We hope that the revelations of this prophecy will not lead you to despair about the future but on the contrary that it will inspire you to become more zealous in the fulfillment of the teachings of Jesus Christ.  It is only in the Lord Jesus Christ that we will find the road to salvation.      

Ή σωτηρία μας εύρίσκεται μόνον στόν Ίησούν Χριστόν. Καί όπως λέγομεν στήν Θείαν Λειτουργίαν: Άγαπήσω σε, Κύριε, ή ίσχύς μου. Κύριος στερέωμά μου, καί ήκαταφυγή μου καί ρύστης μου.”
Our salvation is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is expressed in the Divine Liturgy when the priest prays: “I love you Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer.”

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