The Way An introduction to the Orthodox Faith -- Protopresbyter Fr. George D. Metallinos Professor Emeritus of the Athens University

Book Presentation
Protopresbyter Fr. George D. Metallinos
Professor Emeritus of the Athens University
The Way
An introduction to
the Orthodox Faith
The Way - An introduction to the Orthodox Faith (Βοοκ)Several years ago I had compiled a number of my studies, which had originally been written in German for poemantic purposes, as an aid for German visitors in Greece, who desired to learn about the Orthodox faith and tradition. That book, "LEBEN IM LEIBE CHRIST" (Life in the Body of Christ), Athens 1990, and its acceptance which had given rise to repeated editions, were the reasons behind my decision to repeat that endeavour in English as well.
Thus, a series of my texts from the more recent years was compiled once again for a similar purpose -the presentation of various aspects of the magnitude called ORTHODOXY- this time translated into English, so that they might assist as an introduction to Orthodoxy for English readers. The translation was undetaken by Mrs. Katerina Nikolopoulou and I am grateful for this. With this undertaking, she too has participated in the poemantic aspirations of this book, thus providing a conciderable service to our fellow-man. For this, I ask God to reward her blessed labour as He sees fit. I have also personally reviewed the translation as regards its theological terminology and I bear all responsibility for any vagueness or flaws therein.
I pray that this book will fulfil the purpose of its compilation, which is none other than the spherical presentation of ORTHODOXY; that is, the Faith and the Life which were delivered to us by the Apostles of Christ and our Holy Fathers throughout the ages, as the successors and the continuers of their work.

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