Same s*x marriage bill in the House of Representatives has just been defeated.

Dear Friends,

An ALP(  Australian Labor Party)  MP’s bill to legalise same s*x marriage has just been overwhelmingly defeated in the House of Representatives. The vote was 42 in favour and 98 against.

The Coalition voted against as a bloc. Unfortunately a majority of the ALP voted for the Bill.
As for Greek Orthodox MPs, we are proud to inform you that, Maria Vamvakinou MP (Member for Calwell in VIC), as she expressed on SBS, voted against same s*x marriage. The disappointing news is, that despite us having heard that he would vote against same s*x marriage, Steve Georganas MP (Member for Hindmarsh in SA) let us all down by voting in favour of same s*x marriage.

Please take the time to send an email of support and thanks to Maria Vamvakinou you could say something along the lines of:

Dear Ms Vamvakinou
Thank you for voting against same s*x marriage. We are proud of your stance and the brave leadership you demonstrated. All well informed Orthodox Christians of Australia will be delighted. Congratulations.

We also urge you to email Steve Georganas MP expressing your deep disappointment in his decision to vote in favour of same s*x marriage you could say the following.

Dear Mr Georganas
I was deeply disappointed to hear that you voted for same s*x marriage. I had heard that you were going to vote against but were not going to express your opposition publicly until the actual vote. I thought you would have been in favour of Orthodox marriage and family values, but obviously this is not the case.

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