Trying to raise a Christian family? Read the account of a Massachusetts father!

 Let us all Speak Up for Marriage now!
Since having established this webpage a few have responded arguing that legalising homosexual marriage will not impact on anyone in any way. They claim that faith-based communities have nothing to fear, and no one will be forced to embrace their lifestyle, and things will simply go on as normal.
At first I thought, ‘perhaps this is the truth’, but then someone asked me to read what this concerned Massachusetts father has to say about how the public schools have been impacted. I provide some of his account below. It is truly concerning:
Anyone who thinks that same-gender “marriage” is a benign eccentricity which won’t affect the average person should consider what it has done in Massachusetts. It’s become a hammer to force the acceptance and normalization of the issue. And this is moving fast. What has happened so far is only the beginning.
On November 18, 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court announced its Goodridge opinion, ruling that it was unconstitutional not to allow same-gender “marriage.” Six months later, same gender marriages began to be performed.
The same gender “marriage” onslaught in public schools across the state started soon after the November 2003, court decision. At my own children’s high school there was a school-wide assembly to celebrate same-gender “marriage” in early December, 2003. It featured an array of speakers, including teachers at the school who announced that they would be “marrying” their same-gender partners and starting families either through adoption or artificial insemination. Literature on same-gender marriage – how it is now a normal part of life  – was handed out to the students.

Within months it was brought into the middle schools. In September, 2004, an 8th-grade teacher in Brookline, MA, told NPR (ABC equivalent) that the marriage ruling had opened up the floodgates for teaching homosexuality. “In my mind, I know that, `OK, this is legal now.’ If somebody wants to challenge me, I’ll say, `Give me a break. It’s legal now,’” she told NPR. She added that she now discusses the issue with her students as explicitly and revealing as she desires. 
By the following year it was in elementary school curricula. Kindergartners were given picture books telling them that same-gender couples are just another kind of family, like their own parents.
Second graders at the same school were read a book, “King and King”, about two men who have a romance and marry each other, with a picture of them kissing. When the parents complained, they were told that the school had no obligation to notify them or allow them to opt-out their child.
In 2006 the parents filed a federal Civil Rights lawsuit to force the schools to notify parents and allow them to opt-out their elementary-school children when homosexual-related subjects were taught.  The federal judges dismissed the case. The judges ruled that because same-gender marriage is legal in Massachusetts, the school actually had a duty to normalize these relationships to children, and that schools have no obligation to notify parents or let them opt-out their children! Acceptance of same gender relationships had become a matter of good citizenship!
Think about that: Because same-gender marriage is “legal”, a federal judge has ruled that the schools now have a duty to portray same gender relationships as normal to children, despite what parents think or believe!
In 2006, in the elementary school where my daughter went to Kindergarten, the parents of a third-grader were forced to take their child out of school because a man undergoing a sx-change operation and cross-dressing was being brought into class to teach the children that there are now “different kinds of families.”  School officials told the mother that her complaints to the principal were considered “inappropriate behavior.”
Libraries have also radically changed.  School libraries across the state, from elementary school to high school, now have shelves of books to normalize homosxual behavior and the lifestyle in the minds of kids, some of them quite explicit. Parents’ complaints are ignored or met with hostility.
Over the past year, homosxual groups have been distributing a large, hardcover book celebrating homoexual marriage titled “Courting Equality” into every school library in the state.
“Gaydays” in schools are considered necessary to combat “intolerance” which may exist against same-gender relationships.  Hundreds of high schools and even middle schools across the state now hold what they call "appreciation days”. In my own town, a school committee member recently announced that combating “homophobia” is now a top priority.
Once homosxuality has been normalized, all boundaries will come down. The schools are already moving on to normalizing transgenderism (including cross-dressing and sx changes). (
Well, food for thought. Is this what we want our children to experience in Australia? Let us speak up now! Ask your family members to speak up.

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