Σερβική Μοναστική αδελφότητα διέκοψε κοινωνία με το οικουμενιστικό Πατριαρχείο Σερβίας


Σε αντίποινα η Σερβική "Εκκλησία" κατέλαβε το Γυναικείο Μοναστήρι και εξεδίωξε τις μοναχές οι οποίες παραμένουν πιστές στον Ομολογητή Επίσκοπο Αρτέμιο.  Σκηνές απάνθρωπης βίας των οικουμενιστών κληρικών με τη συμπαράσταση της τοπικής αστυνομίας εναντίον της Ηγουμένης και της συνοδείας της.

The Serbian website Novinar reports the following actions being taken by Mother Jelena of the Serbian Convent of Ovcara. In a statement to their local diocesan Bishop, Chrysostom of Zica, the Abbess of the Monastery of the Ascension stated the following reasons:

Due to the open declaration of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej as ecumenist and pacifists and the tacit approval of this heresy and lawlessness, that in order to impose its conduct on the Church by some of our pastors: bishops, priests and governors, not agreeing to that heresy [ecumenism] and preserving his soul from it, we, the undersigned, are from her and from those who indirectly (implicitly) or indirectly (active) support disclaim, sledatveno tradition of which we have our spiritual father, and through him received from the Holy Fathers, and to whom to manage in these times besporetka, spiritual turmoil and falling of our Bishops and clergy of the patristic faith in our Church.
As Your Holiness in no way distances himself from the said heretical deviations SOC administrative leadership, but rather implement the liturgical reforms that are anti-church as a novelty, only the precursor and the preparation time for the complete entry of Serbian church in spiritual darkness bogoodstupničke heresy of ecumenism, we under the 15-second canon of Constantinople First Council disclaim any prayer-liturgical and canonical communion with ecumenist Patriarch Irenaeus declared and therefore you and your clergy, to his eventual repentance and deviations from the pan-heresy of ecumenism.
How not to be deprived of the spiritual, svetotainske supply the entire sisterhood with our monastery exceeds the veil Bishop of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija in exile g.g. Artemije. This will be our decision in effect until your eventual repentance and correction, which will be reflected in public contempt pan-heresy of ecumenism and break communion with ecumenist - Patriarch Irirnejem; biased recruitment in the liturgical and ecclesiastical piety, overall, by then, our conscience requires us just go to the shepherd who neodstupno odstojava in the way of patristic and evangelical truth, and recognize such a pastor in the person of Bishop Artemije, which it is prosecuted, a prosecution in which you participated and you miserably. " 
(The following signatures: Jelena abbess, nuns Efrosinija, Magdalene, Marina, Irina, Angelina, Hionija, Eugene.) 

That day, hundreds of laity gathered to sing Akathists after the declaration. However, over the next few days, the Serbian Patriarchate Bishop, Chrysostom, arrived with hundreds of clergy and police who proceeded to blockade the monastery. Laity were not allowed to enter and a virtual siege was laid. The violence came in less than a few days, as dozens of priests entered the monastery and began to physically assault, curse, grab and beat the nuns, dragging them out, with police assistance.

A veritable host of horror stories of the Serbian Patriarchates reaction to punish anti-ecumenist internal forces that have broken official communion have arisen: Such as beatings by drunken priests. The nuns have apparently declared themselves to be under the Serbian bishop Artemije of Raska-Prizen.

Attempts at starving the nuns out, along with extreme physical violence perpetuated by the ecumenist Bishop Chrysostom of Zica have resulted in only more stiff resistance.

2 σχόλια:

  1. Καλά κάνανε οι μοναχές όταν βλέπουν το πνευματικό τούς πατέρα να δέχεται τέτοιο πόλεμο.από τη στιγμή που έφυγε ο ασκητής επίσκοπος Παύλος ..αλωνίζουν οι οικουμενιστες στη Σερβία..Δημήτρης Γερμανία..

  2. Αδελφέ Δημήτριε, αν ήταν μόνο στη Σερβία θα ελπίζαμε σε καλύτερες ημέρες. Δυστυχώς οι προκαθήμενοι όλων των τοπικών Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών ως επίσης και πάρα πολλοί επίσκοποι, ηγούμενοι, μοναχοί, θεολόγοι και λαϊκοί έχουν δεχθεί την αίρεση του Οικουμενισμού....

    Νάσαι πάντα καλά, η Κυρία Θεοτόκος σκέπη μας!
