Greek Orthodox Church of America

November 8, 2011

Feast of the Synaxis of the
Holy Archangels
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On this blessed feast of the Holy Archangels, we recognize the ministry and service of our cherished Saint Michael’s Home in New York.  For over fifty years, Saint Michael’s has offered the highest quality of care to its residents in an environment of compassion, fellowship, and faith.  The nature of this service by the staff and directors has been a true witness of Jesus Christ and of the divine vocation of the Holy Archangels.

In the Holy Scriptures, the testimonies of Saints, and the witness of holy events in the history of the Church, we understand that the ministry of angels is to give praise and service to God.  This service is characterized by a recognition of what is holy and by a firm and protective witness of life and all that is good and just.  These attributes are why the name of Saint Michael’s and the association with this feast are so significant.  Saint Michael’s has and continues to be a place that recognizes what is holy—the presence and love of God and the lives and well-being of the residents.  It is also a place of protection.  The care offered at Saint Michael’s and the atmosphere of compassion and faith protects what is good, sacred, and just against any forces of our world that seek to devalue human life or neglect our responsibility and calling to serve one another.
This faithful service to God and to the elderly has been blessed by your love and generosity over the years, and in support of this vital ministry all of our parishes are asked to pass a special tray on Sunday, November 6.  The gifts of you, the faithful stewards of our parishes, should be sent to the Archdiocese in care of Saint Michael's, and they will be forwarded to the Home.  By contributing to the needs, growth, and vision of Saint Michael's, you will join with the Holy Archangels in a sacred work that protects life, upholds goodness, and brings glory to God.
With paternal love in Christ,
Archbishop of America

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