Priests assigned to Russian military bases abroad

23 September 2011, 10:01

 Moscow, September 23, Interfax - Priests will serve as assistant commanders for spiritual work with servicemen at Russia's military bases in Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Igor Gorbul, the official spokesman for the Southern Military District Command, has told Interfax.

"Military priests have been assigned to military bases in Armenia, Abkhazia, North Ossetia and the Black Sea Fleet to provide spiritual and moral guidance for servicemen and maintain law and order and discipline," he said.

Thirty priest vacancies have been created in the Southern Federal District and a special department for work with believers has been set up, which comprises Archpriest and Imam.

The department oversees the work of churches in areas under the Defense Ministry's jurisdiction.

"About 20 [Orthodox] churches and chapels operate on the territory of the Southern Military District," the spokesman said.

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