Moscow to celebrate Jewish New Year

28 September 2011, 10:46
Moscow, September 28, Interfax - The festivities on the occasion of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) will begin at the Moscow Jewish Community Center on the evening of September 28.

Everyone "in this world has a special mission, for the accomplishment of which God gave everyone special talents and special capabilities," Russia's chief rabbi Berel Lazar told the believers.

According to the Jewish calendar, the coming year is 5772.

The Jewish New Year celebrations last for two days. This holiday is also considered a day of judgment, when God considers people's deeds and decides everyone's fate for the new year.

At home, believers organize a festive table and a ritual of food blessing (Kiddush), which starts with bread and honey, and not with the usual bread and salt. After the Kiddush they say a blessing for fruits and eat apples, soaking them in honey. Then the Jews recite a prayer: " May it be Your will, Lord our God and God of our ancestors that you renew for us a good and sweet year."

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