Greek Orthodox Church Sues to Open at Ground Zero

September 5, 2011

(New York, NY) — The only church destroyed on September 11 was St. Nicholas, a Greek Orthodox Church.
A decade later, the parish is still trying to rebuild, but hasn’t been able to cut through a lot of red tape with the agency running the Ground Zero site.
When the second tower collapsed the place of worship was crushed.
Only a few cherished relics were saved.
The church was ready to rebuild across from Ground Zero, but the port authority imposed new restrictions, halting construction.
Now the church is suing.
The city has cleared the way for a Muslim Community Center near the World Trade Center site and the Greek Archdiocese believes there’s room for both faiths.
“There is no wavering in our clear anticipation of seeing the church built…period”,” said Greek Othodox Archdiocese of America, Archbishop Demitrios.
The archbishop hopes to break ground within two years.

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