The little flock

It becomes very frightful when representatives and leaders of separate local Orthodox Churches which are part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic  Church of Christ, forgetting their high calling to be servants of the task of Christ here on earth, enter into affiliation and cooperate most friendly with the enemies of the Church and give themselves over to complete subjection and obedience to the servants of Satan (World Council Churches), and already thinking not of serving Christ the Saviour, but only about pleasing their new lords. The worst and most dangerous idea of modern times is the idea of reconciliation, of "coexistence" with evil. And very many servants subjugate themselves to this idea. The ecumenist Patriarchs, Archbishops and Bishops of the Church are not to be excluded.

But is it possible for the Church of Christ to reconcile Herself somehow with evil, which comes from the enemy of mankind's salvation - the devil? Is it possible for Her to coexist with it, without carrying on a most decisive struggle against it?

Of course not, for, according to the words of Christ the Saviour, no one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). And it is namely for this reason that they who in essence betray the Church, the hierarchs of the so-called movement of the Ecumenism, the movement which wants to compromise Christianity with this world that lies in sin and recognizes the equality in rights and dignity of all groups and "denominations". In essence, this is already a departure from the Church.

Can these ecumenists be called servants of The Church, they who call for "loyalty" to the servants of Satan (WCC)?

This WCC of course is, according to the word of God, "the congregation of evil-doers", and to remain in such an organization is a betrayal of The Church.

It may be asked why do we speak and write about this so often? The answer is that it is our sacred duty to warn our brothers and sisters about those countless numbers of temptations which have been abundantly sown about everywhere; we are obligated as Christians to inform everyone and thus enable them to distinguish the true Orthodox hierarchs from the ecumenist "the congregation of evil-doers". Christ our Saviour gave us the great promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail over His Church. However, individuals or hierarchs and whole local churches headed by them can fall away from The Church, preparing for themselves and their followers eternal perdition in the depths of hell.

It was not in vain that the Lord named the members of His Church as "the little flock", and questioned whether, when He would come back to earth again the second time, He would find Faith on earth (Luke 12:32 and 18:8). The Church of Christ, which will not have bowed before the Antichrist will not end Its own existence, in spite of all the difficult hardships, shocks and persecution, to which It will be subjected up to the very end of the world. It will continue to exist to the very Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, even if only one bishop has retained loyalty to Christ the Saviour with a most insignificant group of clergy and laymen.

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